Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Rewards To Those Who Wait!

With the big learning skill redistribution patch hitting the cluster tonight it would seem my carrier is closer then ever, but in the wise words of an alliance member if it was easy it wouldn't be EVE and right he was, with the servers down for patching i only have a measly 300 million in my wallet, a clean 2 billion off my goal.

Luckily I quit World of Warcraft when I started playing EVE and have had a rather nice inactive account sitting around for a few months till someone asked if they could have it! I parted with it happily and will be receiving a totally unrelated $500 for being awesome!

For those of you not capable of instantly figuring out your exchange rate to in game market ratio of that amount in PLEX it totals about 10 billion ISK, now i love EVE it's a cool game... but i'm not insane. The Majority of that money will be going to various real life items/events I have been looking forward too, but a small amount will be hitting the wallet of CCP to sate my lust of a carrier!

Hopefully this carrier will be able to fund much more exciting adventures for you to read about... hopefully none of them involving my carrier exploding.

Now for those of you hoping to obtain something other then my ramblings from my blog, I do have a present for you!

Seeing as though the Carrier will be my main source of income from now on... I hope! I should no longer need various other tools i keep relatively quiet as exposing them could cause myself financial distress, well not anymore so lets get to business!

First things first, Miners you probably have a resource for everything, for those who just want a fairly solid start point for referencing try this site
It has helped me alot in the past, hopefully it will help you too!

Now you've probably seen this on every bio in the game, if you haven't you need to open your eyes to this info, it's fairly common knowledge but alas its useful to have on hand!

If you don't already have EVEMON and EVE FITTING TOOL then those are 2 more almost necessary things to have on your computer!
EVEMON is a skill planning program with access to battleclinic fits and much more handy info.
EVE FITTING TOOL is exactly what its name describes, a program used to find the best way to fit your ship (imports skills from your API)

Now heres the big one, the one that got me started on this crazy journey!
A program I found to give me the best trading routes in any region this made me HEAPS of money but unfortunately I can no longer remember the website I downloaded it from, but i'm sure you tech savvy readers will have no problems!
It's Called NAVBOT, it's a program that when run allows you to open a grid in your browser showing all trade routes based off how much you're willing to spend, how much cargo space you have and most importantly your willingness to risk it all for the big money by running low sec trade routes!
There is 2 downsides to running this program though...

1; You have to export every item on the market for it to find the best deals, there is no auto export or update, so you not only have to do this when you start it, but whenever you feel the market has changed enough to warrant a re-scan, you do however get the hang of whats selling and can only update those items!

2; This program CANNOT search outside you're current region as this would violate the rules of the game, this problem can be overcome by those with an interest as great as mine to become rich through various options of alts and recording data among other things.

Fly Safe.

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